- Ella

Tyler Kirchoff

       Taking on new challenges can be, as the Alaska Great Lakes Project participants are beginning to figure out, very challenging. 24-year-old law student, Tyler Kirchoff is finding out the same thing as he pursues his dreams of becoming a lawyer.

This is Tyler’s first year of law school and he has been interested in being a lawyer for as long as he can remember. “I wanted to help people solve problems and I like to find solutions.” He explained. Tyler went on to say that this experience is something totally new and can be difficult at times. “It’s very challenging because there is a lot of studying that goes into being a lawyer.” He continued.

“I think that the hardest part is learning to think like a lawyer.” Tyler said. He went on to explain that the state of mind that a good lawyer has to be in is far different than the way the way you would normally process data. “A lot of it is analysis and critical thinking to come up with solutions that you wouldn’t normally think of.” He continued.

People can choose to take on a new challenge for a number of reasons. Tyler chose the path of law because he likes all the ins and outs of law. “There is really a lot of interesting things that you can go through with law,” said Mr.Kirchoff. The AGLP group has taken on challenges such as climbing a mountain and running a 10k. All though this group and this future lawyer have taken on tasks that seem completely different they come from the same state of mind. To want something bad enough to go to extremes and struggle to until you achieve it is the very attitude that both Tyler Kirchoff and AGLP have. Although both have faced struggles, the triumphs have always pushed them to keep going every time.